Free 3-Day Rock Your Recruiting Challenge With Sarah Robbins • March 25th - 27th at 7 PM EST
Just Give Me 3 Short Days, And I'll Show You...

The Exact Playbook Used By A #1 Recruiter With A Team That Spans Across The Globe

So You Can Rock Your Recruiting!
Live Challenge Starts on March 25th at 7:00 PM EST
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
Just Give Me 3 Short Days, And I'll Show You...

The Exact Playbook Used By A #1 Recruiter With A Team That Spans Across The Globe

So You Can Rock Your Recruiting!
Live Challenge Starts on March 25th at 7:00 PM EST
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
When You Register You’ll Be Eligible To Win DAILY Prizes Including Merchandise, Books And So Much More!

How Would Your Business Change If You Had

The Playbook (Full Of Little-Known Secrets) 

From A #1 Recruiter?

  Would you feel a new sense of confidence to reach out to that "go-getter" that you know would crush it?
  Would you no longer be intimidated to prospect your entire warm market knowing you have scripts to handle their objections and questions with ease?
  Would your organization double in size as you step into being the leader you know you're capable of?
  Would you treat your family to a guilt-free night on the town or a weekend-long getaway?
And most importantly...
  Would you make a bigger impact on your entire organization knowing you have a proven plan to duplicate your success?

The good news is… this can soon be your reality!

All you need is a proven recruiting playbook, guidance and drive to take action.
If there’s one thing I’ve heard over and over again from the thousands of people I coach and mentor, it’s that their messages look like this...
Do you get the same kind of responses?

If you’re out there copy and pasting messages but you have nothing to show for it…

…or worse, you’re completely paralyzed because you don’t even know what to say, I want you to stop spinning your wheels by inviting you to my brand new recruiting challenge!

As an educator turned network marketing rock star, I have a passion for sharing the playbook that's helped me become the top recruiter in my company EVERY SINGLE YEAR!

I want you to rock your network marketing business and live a life you love through this powerful profession.

So if you want to...
  Feel confident when talking to prospects about your business...
  Know exactly how to handle objections so you can sign up new motivated teammates...
  Have a strategy for generating new leads online without spending all day on social media...
  And rock your recruiting so you can earn more commission and rank advance faster...
Then grab your spot for the challenge now.

Here’s What You’ll Discover During The Challenge

Day 1: Conversation Starters - What To Say

Monday, March 25th at 7:00 PM EST (4:00 PM PST)
You can have a big warm market, huge following, or a powerful brand that people are drawn to. However, if you don't use the right words, at the right time, none of that matters. You see, the conversations you have, and more importantly, how you start them, can make all the difference as to whether or not someone joins your team. That's why it's important you know exactly what to say before you try and recruit another person.
On Day 1, You'll Discover...
  The #1 goal to have when you strike up a conversation (and no, that goal is not to recruit them... but I'll share with you what it is)
  A simple way to quickly figure out if it's the right time to bring up your products or business
  What words and phrases get people interested in the business and which ones to completely avoid

Day 1: Conversation Starters - What To Say

Monday, March 25th at 7:00 PM EST (4:00 PM PST)
You can have a big warm market, huge following, or a powerful brand that people are drawn to. However, if you don't use the right words, at the right time, none of that matters. You see, the conversations you have, and more importantly, how you start them, can make all the difference as to whether or not someone joins your team. That's why it's important you know exactly what to say before you try and recruit another person.
On Day 1, You'll Discover...
  The #1 goal to have when you strike up a conversation (and no, that goal is not to recruit them... but I'll share with you what it is)
  A simple way to quickly figure out if it's the right time to bring up your products or business
  What words and phrases get people interested in the business and which ones to completely avoid

Day 2: Places To Prospect - Who To Talk To

Tuesday, March 26th at 7:00 PM EST (4:00 PM PST)
Let me give you a little secrets. Not every single person is a good fit for what you offer. When you learn who the perfect person is and who to steer clear of, all of your frustration goes away because you are no longer putting yourself in a scenario to be rejected and embarrased and instead you spend your time chatting with people who want to learn more. 
On Day 2, You'll Discover...
  An easy way to identify who your ideal client is (not knowing this causes you to waste a bunch of time talking to skeptical people) 
  Perfect places to prospect and where your ideal client is spending their time online
  How to turn perfect prospects into referral machines so you can continue to grow your business even if they don't join your team

Day 2: Places To Prospect - Who To Talk To

Tuesday, March 26th at 7:00 PM EST (4:00 PM PST)
Let me give you a little secrets. Not every single person is a good fit for what you offer. When you learn who the perfect person is and who to steer clear of, all of your frustration goes away because you are no longer putting yourself in a scenario to be rejected and embarrased and instead you spend your time chatting with people who want to learn more
On Day 2, You'll Discover...
  An easy way to identify who your ideal client is (not knowing this causes you to waste a bunch of time talking to skeptical people) 
  Perfect places to prospect and where your ideal client is spending their time online
  How to turn perfect prospects into referral machines so you can continue to grow your business even if they don't join your team

Day 3: Sharing On Social - Generate New Leads

Wednesday, March 27th at 7:00 PM EST (4:00 PM PST)
Gone are the days of having to do an in-person presentation one by one. Thanks to social media, your team can grow to any part of the world your company does business. When you leverage social media the right way, there's no limit to how fast your team and business can grow.
On Day 3, You'll Discover...
  What's working right now to keep leads coming your way (plus the one question you should ask yourself every day that makes coming up with new posts a breeze)
  The one question you should ask yourself every day that makes coming up with new posts to generate leads a breeze
  A proven strategy for turning likes, comments, and shares into new recruits

Day 3: Sharing On Social - Generate New Leads

Wednesday, March 27th at 7:00 PM EST (4:00 PM PST)
Gone are the days of having to do an in-person presentation one by one. Thanks to social media, your team can grow to any part of the world your company does business. When you leverage social media the right way, there's no limit to how fast your team and business can grow.
On Day 3, You'll Discover...
  What's working right now to keep leads coming your way (plus the one question you should ask yourself every day that makes coming up with new posts a breeze)
  The one question you should ask yourself every day that makes coming up with new posts to generate leads a breeze
  A proven strategy for turning likes, comments, and shares into new recruits

Meet Your Instructor

Sarah Robbins

Social Media Marketing Expert & Author Of The #1 Best-Selling Book ‘Rock Your Network Marketing Business’
Sarah Robbins is a kindergarten teacher turned seven-figure annual residual income earner in network marketing and is considered one of the world's leading network marketing consultants.

Now in the top 1% income bracket of all women in America, she began part-time with no business experience and by the age of twenty-nine, had achieved a six-figure per month income within her network marketing company.

Sarah has been featured in many best-selling network marketing books and is a frequent speaker at top industry events.

As a speaker, she contributes unique insights on success, prosperity, leadership, and network marketing topics, and is fulfilling her lifelong dream of helping others.

Results Others Have Gotten From This Challenge

Still Not Convinced?

I'll leave you with this...

There's so many "trainers" out there promising to give you their very best strategies for recruiting.

My question to you is, are those "trainers" walking the walk and talking the talk?

What makes this challenge different is the fact that I'm giving you my entire playbook that I use to this day.

It's not what worked last year, or last month...'s what's working right now.

When you become a rockstart recruiter, you can basically write your own check and never have to worry about money again.

That's my goal for you with this challenge.

I'm not asking you to believe me, just try it out.

If I'm wrong, you've lost nothing.

But what if I'm right?

Click the button below to register for the free challenge and see for yourself.

The 3-Day Rock Your Recruiting Challenge Starts on Monday, March 25th at 7:00 PM EST

The 3-Day Rock Your Recruiting Challenge Starts on

Monday, March 25th at 7:00 PM EST

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
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